Sunday, June 4, 2017

Linda Sarsour - A self-proclaimed Arab, Palestinian, Muslim activist

Linda Sarsour, activist, organizer, and other things,...  is in a video of the Muslims gathered outside Trump tower to pray for Ramadan and shays "...we're showing this is what NYC looks like... brown people, black people,... Jewish people are all here today to show solidarity,... to say we'll break bread with you,... in front of the Trump tower that is a symbol of  kind of policies from this administration that are about divisiveness,..."

And  next day, she is nowhere to condemn the "other" Muslims, that are killing people in London in the name of her religion!  (** I have to make a correction here!  She did post on facebook late Saturday "...ISIS are an enemy to us all. They are an enemy to all who value the sanctity of all human life...)

I don't know how true it is that she is linked to Hamas, as many claim, and I don't really care. I also don't care that she is Muslim.  All I can say is that her actions, her hatred, her lies and her intellectual dishonesty should be challenged constantly.

The one that I really like is when she has repeatedly told "white" women that Muslim women do not need to be saved by them, they do not need their help, they are already free, independent, revered, respected, more than their white counterparts. This is where one needs to laugh at the stupidity, but challenge her on the facts. 

People like her give US Muslims a bad reputation, and we need to remember, there is only a handful of people like her.  Most US Muslims are not any different than any other American.

USA Muslims and Reza Aslan

So, two terrorist attacks take place in London and here is what are the US headlines, well "some" headlines.

And here is what the all-knowing  Reza-Aslan twitted in response to Trumps post.

Reza Aslan  @rezaaslan
This piece of shit is not just an embarrassment to America and a stain on the presidency. He's an  embarrassment to humankind.a Aslan added,

Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!

I wouldn't expect anything different from him, but I have to say that he is NOT representative of the Muslims *I* know!

The Muslims I know are more worried of letting in people (not just Muslims) from those 6 countries than I am.  The ones I know are Muslims, but they are also "human". They recognize that the excrements that are in the news, because of terrorist attacks are NOT representing ALL Muslims.  They are extremists, they are animals, they are not human.  But not Reza. He knows better!  In typical "I know better" fashion, the rest of us are all stupid. He is the only one who knows, who understands, because of his "interfaith" marriage. Videos may show that a Muslim is killing people while yelling allahu akbar, but according to Reza, it has nothing to do with the killer being Muslim, you have to ignore that fact.  

I wonder who is really the "piece of shit", .  Though I don't blame him, he pontificates his stupidity, because he can. And, as long as CNN or whatever other progressive outfit gives him a pulpit, he will continue to do so.  You see, the US gave him a voice, something not possible in his native, Muslim country. I just hope people recognize his malarkey for what it is and ignore it.