Saturday, May 23, 2020

What is happening to our country?

Yes, more memes, because they truly reflect what is going on in our country.  I started with a list of 50+ items, but it is very disheartening to even think about them, I'll just list a few...

  • Economy tanked because of the COVID-19, it's Trump's fault, not the dems that want even MORE free money given to everyone instead of opening up the country and restarting the economy.  
  • We want mail-in ballots.  Of course, how else will you make it easy to cheat?  First you blamed the Russians meddling in the election and electing Trump, then you blamed states for not stepping up and resuscitation the old hag that you had as a candidate, now yiu are going out in the open asking for authorization to cheat, legally!
  • Biden tells a black reporter, if you don;t vote for me you are not black, and it's just a joke, or he was just being Cavalier.  Can you imagine if Trump said that?  Where is Kamala with her criticism (like, during the debates)?  Oh, wait, she may be his running mate, we'll have to be careful.
  • A woman formally accuses trump of sexual misconduct/rape, well, that's different, in this case, you don't need to believe her, or look into it, I mean Biden said it was a lie, anyway, so that's the end of it.
  • Biden is vying to get the most powerful spot in the world, POTUS, and he is hiding in his basement.  So, what is he going to do if he got elected and COVID was still around?  Continue to hide and run the country from his basement?
  • Dems, why don't you give some more free money to everyone (remember who is benefiting the most), and then complain the deficit is too high, the economy is tanking, and also make sure you make it unattractive for even more people not to go back to work, because they are making more with unemployment and stimulus checks. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Democrats are Flipping out, for good reason

I never though this would happen.  I was born in a democrat family, I voted democrat in the last 7 elections, but I despise what the democratic party has become.  And, what bothers me even more... friends and people I know that have swallowed what the democratic party is peddling - hook an sinker.  Pelosi makes a stupid statement, it's great because she is a democrat.  Trump says something silly, OMG the world is making fun of us...  People, wake up!  Trump is a buffoon, he says stupid things, bu he delivered on his promises he made when he was running for office.  Please, before you criticize take a look at the democrat creatures of the of the DC swamp!!

Dems think that they can use the COVID-19 pandemic to shut down America,  make every American depend on the government for their survival, reach the zenith of "we know best what's good for you", you are stupid and can't think for yourself, we are the democrat elite.  We need to take care of you, if you are going to survive.

Sad, but true, they are pulling a fast one and you are falling for it.  Quick test,.. say 3 positive things about each of these democrats that you think represent you and your beliefs...  I bet you I can mention 3 proven, horrible things for each one you mention!!  Let's try it.


it's petty, I know, but these images seriously summarize the feeling towards dems in this country today, and rightly so...  Give it up dems, you are the slow ones!!