Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Elections - Personal Wars?

It's so confusing... Everyone thinks they have the right answer and they want you to believe them, not the other side, the ignorant liers. Yes, I am talking about the elections. Obama picks Biden to make up for the shortcoming that even Dems agreed he had, experience, and the Democratic party get a new wind in its sails.   McCain picks Palin and the Conservative republicans are elated, because of her stance in abortion, family values, etc. And then, all of a suddent the mud-slinging starts. No, I don't care who started it, or who escalated it. It's here and it bugs me.

What's really interesting, however, is how each party is spinning each event differently, and how some, nominees and pundits alike, are making fools of themselves. Isn't anyone advising them?

In particular, in this case, I am amazed at the democrats. How dense can they be?

- Dems (indirectly) leak information that Palin's last child is not really hers, but her teenager daughters. They back it up with all sorts of information, primarily with a family picture, claiming the daughter is pregnant in the picture. Well, it turns out the picture is taken in 2006, and the child is born in 2008. That is a very *long* pregnancy. Give me a break.

- Palis goes public with the info that her 17 year old is 5 months pregnant and will have the child and marry the father, and Dems don't like that either. What else is she hiding, they are wondering. They don't stop to think that Obama's mother got pregnant at 17, unwed, and had him when she was only 18. And, look at how bad *he* turned out ;-)

- The Dems (indirectly again, through their sanctioned bloggers) release nude pictures of Palin, allegedly taken a few years back. It turns out that those are fake and they are pictures of Julia Louis Dreyfus.

- Omaba declares he has more experience than Palin. Duh, so he is comparing himself to the VP candidate (nor the presidential candidate) of the other party. Is he telling us that he would make a good VP, but is not necessarily experienced enough to be the President?

- Thompson is getting ready to speak and declare that the Dems are panicking, that's why the personal attacks. I think he is reaching, but it'll be interesting to see the Dems reaction.

- Baltimore columnist Susan Reimer is upset because she thinks McCain is using Palin as a substitute for Hillary, to attract the disenchanted women democrats to the other side in Movember. Come on, it was Obama and his choices that disenchanted her, not McCain. May be Thompson is right.

It will be interesting to see how this whole thing plays out in the next week or so. I am sure that the level of attacks on Palin will increase. I also think you'll start seeing personal attacks from the Republican side as well. I predict, however, that after one or two weeks, when some of the smoke settles, McCain will be ahead of Obama by 6-8 points and the Dems will be backpedalling trying to save face and put a "good" spin on the way *they* have personalized this war.

That doesn't mean they are going to win the elections in November, but in a couple of weeks, *they will* appear to be the losers.

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