Friday, November 5, 2010

I know that posting these thoughts here don't change anything, but at least it helps me vent some of my frustration. So the Fed decided to issue another 600 billion dollars (oops, make that ~ 900 billion) into the economy. How is that backed up, you ask? It's not, it's phony money, monopoly money, only this is *NOT* a game! Brazil, China, Germany,... they are all complaining and for good reason. Since releasing this money into the economy will further devaluate the dollar, all their holding in US bonds, the ones they were convinced to buy in order to the help the US and world economy, all of a sudden are less valuable! So what if they decide to do the same with their economy? How will that impact the US? You don't really want to know :-(

But it's not just other countries that are being affected. Watch for an almost immediate raise in prices of most commodities, in this country. Watch for a quick jump in gas prices. Watch for another increase in unemployment. What are these people thinking? Who is advising them? They tried it, they've already pumped almost 2 trillion dollars of stimulus and bailout money into the economy and it didn't work! And, that's because they are not addressing the real problem. Small and medium size companies will not invest in creating more jobs, not in this climate of uncertainty, of looming tax increases at the beginning of the year, etc. Why should they?

But, don't worry, the government may extend unemployment benefits again, so where are we at now, three years, or so? I am all for helping people who were hit by bad times, but extending the unemployment benefits doesn't do much to solve their problem, all it does is increase their dependence on the government hand-outs. Use the money to create jobs, instead. Where are the millions of new jobs that would be created, updating the country's infrastructure?

Oh, yeah, another 900 billion of fake money will magically solve all problems. Strap-in, we are in for a very bumpy ride :-(

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