So, we are now involved in a third war, Libya, regardless of what our elected officials tell us. I mean, you must have heard it, "Exit Strategy", No Boots on the Ground", "Only establishing a no-fly zone",... and all the other malarkie...
Why are we doing this? Even the casual browser of the history of that area can tell that this is a no-win situation for the USA (and for other countries involved in this allied intervention. A no fly zone will NOT achieve anything other that prolong the pain and suffering and postpone resolution of the situation. But, they told us, Libya has a strategic importance to the USA (and the World) because of its oil. Come on, give me a break, it supplies 2% of the world's oil! Important? Maybe... Strategic? Go sell it to someone else.
Some bring up the example of how we used no-fly zones to give an opportunity to the Kurds of Northern Iraq who were being persecuted by Husein. Day and night!! Thu Kurds were a distinct group, different than the rest of the Iraqis and when isolated they could pool together their resources, and better themselves. This has nothing to do with the tribal system of Libya, which, by the way, none of our politicians understand :-( So, let's say the Quadhafi leaves, is overthrown, etc. Who takes over? What structure or group is ready and poised to take over? There is none, because of the country's tribal structure. This is a civil was, with multiple faction (you'll see them sprout as this progresses) fighting each other and we now game them a common enemy, the USA.
And what about the coalition? What a joke. The French are in today, well sort of, and may be out tomorrow, the Germans were i, but they don't want to play any longer, the British are in (don;t know how wholeheartedly), the Chinese and the Germans tried to block the coalition, and so on... I can see the writing on the wall. At the end, we may have to go this one alone, as well.
But our leaders keep telling us no boots on the ground, they have an exit strategy :-(
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