Monday, June 22, 2015

LinkedIn is not the same as Facebook, or it shouldn't be!

What is happening with LinkedIn?  

When everyone was creating facebook accounts, I was reluctant to join them.  I wasn't sure I wanted to spend my time updating my hourly social timeline, "now I am dressing my kids, I am on my way back from the supermarket, my dog just bit someone,..." No, I don't think there is anything wrong with it.  If someone has the time and desire to post and someone else has the time and desire to read such updates, more power to them!  I just didn't care to do neither.  Reluctantly, I joined the crowd and after a while, I realized it wasn't so bad.  So, you share personal moments with friends, you tell your cousin about little Johnny's first steps, plus it gives you a chance to socialize for a few minutes a day, why not?

LinkedIn, not that's a different thing altogether, I thought.  It's a "professional" network where people of similar interests meet to discuss and exchange ideas about topics they share a professional interest in.  A place where you can network, meet more people in your field, share technical information, and so on.  And, that's what it was, at first, for a few years.

But, leave it to the social law of the lowest common denominator.  Everything, always levels off at the lowest level it could be, without crashing/imploding, the level of mediocrity.  

It wasn't long before LinkedIn posts started to appear about someone's horse being sick, someone kid starting kindergarten, someone's father celebration their 75th birthday.  Hey, I have no problem with you being proud about any of  these events.  I can understand you wanting to share these events with friends, seriously, I do.  But, do it with style and consideration for people you are connected with.  Do it on Facebook,  whose purpose is just that, to share social type information with your relatives, friends and neighbors.  Let LinkedIn be what it was supposed to be, a professionals network.  

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