Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Donna Brazile - Scam :-(

So, Donna Brazile was in the news again yesterday.

She is the poster person of what is wrong with the political operatives in this country.

A history of ~30 years of lying, making things up, circumventing rules, and "playing" the system. Ran the unsuccessful campaign of Jesse Jackson, following by the unsuccessful campaign of Gepheart, thrown out of the Dukakis campain for making up stories about Bush, she finally works on the Bill Clinton campaign and gets "connected".  From there, a commentator at CNN, where else :-(

When the leaked emails come out and the plot to thwart Bernie's efforts by the "other" corrupt, evil politico Wasserman Schultz resigns, Donna becomes the interim DNC chairperson.  At least some stability, honesty and respect, they thought - Wrong!!!

She gets caught giving questions for one of the CNN debates to Hillary ahead of time, then denies is when interviewed, span around, twisted, lied, invoked the "poor me" defense, claimed that since the source were leaked emails, the charge did not hold, and through all that CNN was silent on the issue.

Ah, but more emails leak and she is caught giving the answers to Hillary once again.  Well, CNN can no longer stay quiet, they have to act, so they ask her to resign from her spot as a political commentator, i.e., they fire her.

"Donna Brazile...  Hacked emails from WikiLeaks show she shared questions for CNN-sponsored candidate events in advance with friends on Hillary Clinton’s campaign."   "We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor," Lauren Pratapas, a network spokeswoman, said in a statement.

But you know, to people like her that doesn't matter.  So what?  She'll lie and make things up and invoke all shorts of defenses and deflect, and spin and she'll end up is some political appointment (or some politically influenced media job), all along believing (because she DOES believe it) that she is better than everyone, that she knows what's best for everyone, while being just scum!

What a sad statement about our political system :-(

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