Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Celebrities NOT leaving the US, Stopped counting down and hoping

I am finally giving up on counting down the days till celebrities that announced would leave the country if Trump was selecting, will do so :-(  None of them is keeping their word, Oh, well!

It's not really that I expected anything different, but I figured I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.  I mean after all, they pretend to be much better, much smarter, much everything compared to the rest of us common folk, that I thought they'd stick to their guns - wrong!

At least I have now convinced myself, and the 2-3 people following this blog, that moronic statements are not exclusive to politicians, they are also part of the arsenal of self-aggrandizing celebrities.  It sort of reminds me of something I saw posted by a different blogger addressed to celebrities/entertainers.  "I don't want to hear your political comments, Remember you are here solely for my entertainment, I can turn you on and off whenever I want".

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