Was that really the master plan of the DNC? Were the real controllers of the party actually machinating the "best-ever" primary campaigning, when they decided that Obama and Clinton would fight it out to the end?
Think about it. For the last few months, all you see in the papers, the news channels, on-line, and pretty much in every medium is the fight between Obama and Clinton. I bet if you polled the general public, few would know that this is only the primary and even fewer would know that there is another candidate, from another party running, McCain.
It really is starting to make sense. The DNC makes such a race out of the primary that subconsciously, Americans feel that the race for President is really between their two candidates, thus marginalizing the republican candidate. It's the ultimate plan! By the time November comes around, there are only two names, as far as the voting public knows, Obama and Clinton. After all, that's all they have been hearing about for the last few months. Who could blame them.
An ingenious plan, and I think it's working. Who knows who McCain is, what his plans are, etc.? Very few voters, indeed.
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